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Toronto Malayalee Samajam

Established in 1968

The Toronto Malayalee Samajam is a vibrant cultural and social organization based in Toronto, Canada, dedicated to fostering a sense of community among Malayalees, who are people originally from the Indian state of Kerala.

Happy Canada Day

Canada Day, celebrated annually on July 1st, marks the anniversary of the confederation of Canada in 1867. It’s a day for Canadians to celebrate their nation’s history, culture, and achievements.

Historical Reflection: Canada Day serves as a reminder of the country’s past, prompting discussions on its history, progress, and challenges. It’s an opportunity to recognize both the achievements and the complexities of Canadian history.

National Identity: The day highlights Canada’s commitment to values like kindness, inclusivity, and pluralism. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s address often underscores these themes, celebrating the country’s diverse and inclusive society.

Toronto Malayalee Samajam

About Us

Toronto Malayalee Samajam, the oldest Malayalee Samajam in North America was established in 1968. Samajam is a secular, non-political, non partisan, and not for profit organization.

Over the years the Samajam officials keenly safeguarded the above objectives. Today Samajam has over 1000 Malayalee families as life members. Samajam organizes Picnics, Onam Celebrations, entertainment programs such as Star Nights, Musical Nights etc, each year and the participation and support from the Malayalees for all these initiatives are overwhelming…..

East center
West center

Affordable party venue at our banquet hall.
East center
(Max 125 people)
book now
west center 
(Max 125 people)
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Organization Causes

Protect and enhance poverty.


The very first Malayalee association in North America

TMS welcomes people from all walks of life to create a congenial atmosphere and foster the growth of our mother tongue, arts, and rich cultural background

Multiple Event & Conference

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.


September 7 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


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Recent News & Updates

Protect and enhance poverty.